Opportunities Abound
►Buildings & Grounds
►Children & Youth
►Fellowship & Hospitality
►Liturgical Ministries
All Saints' Got Talent!
Whoever you are, wherever you are in your journey of faith, you are blessed with unique talents. As you join in worship and fellowship with your church family here at All Saints, take time to consider how your energies can add to our vibrant community.
Do you sing or play an instrument that could brighten our music program? Perhaps you would like to serve at the altar as an acolyte or read the lesson as a way to offer your service to God. Are you a friendly and outgoing type who could extend a warm All Saints' welcome by serving as an usher? Or, perhaps you would feel more comfortable "behind the scenes" by helping the Altar Guild prepare the Lord's Table or by joining the Hospitality Committee to help at Coffee Hour.
Help is always welcome—and needed—beyond scheduled worship. Our Inreach Committee can use volunteers to deliver flowers and meals or to write a cheerful note to homebound parishioners. The Outreach Committee welcomes extra hands stocking shelves at St. Gregory's Pantry or knitting for the Seaman's Institute, among other activities. Can you bake brownies? Perhaps you could bake some when All Saints hosts the counselors of St. Paul's (Camden) Camp Faith for a day at the beach. And, the Women's Guild would love to have you join in a monthly brown-bag lunch meeting for some fun and to help at one of their highly successful fundraisers.
Do you have an inquiring mind? Perhaps you might like to get to know more about the Episcopal church, your faith, or some other members of All Saints. Why not try an Adult Education class? Do as much or as little as you like. It's not required, but it is appreciated!
To find out how to get involved, contact the Church Office.