You're never too old to learn!
Weekly Bible Study
Join us Wednesday mornings at 11:00 a.m. in the Conference Room (mid-September through Memorial Day) for lectionary-based bible study.
This series will be similar to the Lenten Bible Study. Enjoy some inspiring and enlightening discussion, followed by An Order of Service for Noonday (see p. 103 in the Book of Common Prayer). Feel free to come to as many (or few) sessions as your schedule allows.
And, there are no quizzes!
Benedictine Way
This is a new group that will gather weekly with the Rector in the Conference Room on Wednesdays, beginning with Evening Prayer at 6:30 p.m. and concluding by 8 p.m. All are welcome to explore the more than 1,500-year-old Rule of Saint Benedict and Benedictine spirituality through worship, prayer, and the use of Lectio Devina—Sacred Reading. We will be using Preferring Christ by Noreen Vest for our discussion.
Anglican Studies - For Adults and Teens
Two separate series of hour-long gatherings will focus on Anglican Studies. Although the series is intended to provide the basics for adults and teens of the church to be prepared for baptism and/or confirmation, it is also a great forum for refreshing one's understanding of the relationship between the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion and to enter into conversation with other adult seekers of faith. Sessions will be held October through June at 9 a.m. in the Conference Room. Teens will meet on the second Sunday of the month; adults will meet on the third Sunday.