Grab Your Spatula!
Join our neighbors and friends in fellowship at our next Supper with All Saints, from 4 to 6 p.m. on the last Tuesday of the month. Help is needed setting up, greeting guests, prepping food, and cleaning up. See the signup sheet outside Bristol Hall, or call Phyllis Kata.
Supper with All Saints
In August 2015, we hosted our first Supper with All Saints, a monthly program designed to offer fellowship to the community within and beyond the parish. These meals, which typically last 2 hours, are aimed at bringing our parish family together with our neighbors, who may be living alone or who are feeling lonely—or who simply feel a need for greater connection with others.
Begun on a trial basis, the program has been such a success the vestry approved its continuation to much acclaim from everyone involved!
Although a core group is responsible for planning and implementing the dinners, each month help is needed in preparing food, setting up tables, greeting our guests, serving food, and cleaning up. Volunteers are welcome whenever they are able to pitch in, and we offer community service time to any of our teen volunteers who can give 2 to 3 hours to serve meals or help clean up at one of the dinners. But, the joy you'll receive from your service is the ultimate reward!
Supper with All Saints team and guests
Second Anniversary Celebration